Just Do It

I was going through some boxes and came across a small book that I did not recalling having….but will read today.

Same book, different cover.

Same book, different cover.

The book is entitled: Just Do This Stuff and was written by Larry Winget. (You will want to go to his website, if for no other reason than to see the titles of his other books). I want to learn more about this man.

He looks like he means business...and does.

He looks like he means business…and does.

I picked a chapter that is comprised of ten directions and hopefully, Mr. Winget will not be upset with me for quoting his book.

To Be A Better Person

1. Surround yourself with the kind of people you would like to be.

2. Read good books.

3. Listen to good stuff. Fill your mind with the pure, the powerful, the positive and the prosperous.

4. Set goals for every area of your life.

5. Think in terms of your blessings instead of your limitations.

6. Forget blame.

7. Abandon judgement in all forms.

8. Speak only in positive terms. This applies to yourself, other people and all conditions.

9. Be reliable, flexible, punctual, available and decisive.

10. Be a good listener.

This “stuff” is worthy of being printed off, framed and mounted on my office wall, becoming a daily reminder.

It reminds me of a saying I learned almost 25 years ago…“You will be the same person in five years that you are today except for the books you read and the people you associate with”

About Ray V.

Living between Aiken & Nashville, TN, USA, I like to share what I am looking at, thinking about or listening to. I refer to this as the view out my window. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to Just Do It

  1. Phyllis Loftis says:

    I like your saying as much as I do the 10 drections from Mr. Winget!


  2. Phyllis Loftis says:

    OOPS! The “i” got left out of directions! Slow down, Phyllis!


  3. Pingback: Just Do It | Naples Girl Blog

  4. Dan says:

    Insightful, and “do-able”. Thanks.


  5. Pingback: Quote of the Day | Nelson Biagio Jr

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