To Parents & Members

A beautiful Rose WIndow.  I must make a trip one night to see it backlit.

A large, beautiful Rose WIndow. I must make a trip one night to see it backlit.

Winding down a busy weekend, I was thinking about one of the  two churches I visited for the first time this weekend, assisting with funerals.  As a regular blogger, I am always looking for interesting topics to share with my readers.  (I will mention the other church tomorrow).

Saturday, I assisted with a funeral service at Trinity Lutheran Church in Berrien Springs. Pastor Douglas Adams was extremely gracious as I asked many questions and he preached a sermon/message that didn’t sugarcoat the pain of grief or the ramifications of the decisions we make in our lives, but then stressing the grace of God’s forgiveness.   I hope others were able to receive his message as I did.

While there,  I came accross a handout they use and thought it provided an interesting  guide that I thought was worth sharing.

Printed on a piece of 11″ x 4″ piece of cardstock, it states:

To the parents of our young children, may we suggest . . .

Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s House. All are welcome.

Sit toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what’s going on at the altar. They tire of seeing the backs of others’ heads.

Quietly explan the parts of the liturgy and actions of the pastor, elders, acolytes, choir, etc.

Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.

If you have to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”

Remember that the way we welcome children in church directly affects they way they respond to the  Church, to God, and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in this house of worship.

Please let your child use the reverse side of this card to draw and doodle.

To The Members of this church    image-7

The presence of children is a gift to the Church and they remind us that our church is growing.

Please welcome our children and give a smile of encouragement to their parents.

Children, feel free to do your artwork or words on the back of this page!


And the people say, Amen.

About Ray V.

Living between Aiken & Nashville, TN, USA, I like to share what I am looking at, thinking about or listening to. I refer to this as the view out my window. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to To Parents & Members

  1. That is a wonderful response to children. I wish our church responded that way. When our grandkids come we sit up in our church balcony. They love being able to see everything that is going on and watching the organist play. (Our church organ is in the balcony).

    Liked by 1 person

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