Holy Week Begins

I arrived at the condo yesterday afternoon and moved my “stuff” in just before the thunderstorms moved through. Enjoyed a brief nap in and then took Jelly and Leslie Claire, “LC”, one of her long time-friends from when we first moved to Columbia in 1996, to dinner.

Saturday night sunset as the storms cleared the coast.

They had to leave early this morning to get back to college and then after seeing them off, I attended Mass at the Church of Saint Frederick & Saint Stephen, here on the Island.

And eleven and a half hours later, it appears again.....

Today is Palm Sunday, The Passion of The Lord. It marks the start of Holy Week for most of the Christian World. The Bishop of The Diocese of Charleston (SC), The Most Rev. Robert E. Guglieimone came to this small, mission church and was the primary celebrant, assisted by Rev. Antony Benjamine and Deacon Charles LaRosa.

Bishop Guglielmone (r) assisted by Deacon LaRosa as he begins the prayers for the blessing of the palms.

It was a beautiful Liturgy, starting with the blessing of the palms, outside the church. After Mass, there was a reception for the Bishop and I had the opportunity to meet many of the members of this small parish, all who made me feel quite welcome….and I consumed more than my share of some great, chicken salad croissants.

Being here alone for a few days will give me some much needed quiet time and I will surely use some of it to reflect on being thankful for what God has blessed me with and what Holy Week means to those of us that claim the banner of Christian. Some of that reflection will be regarding the beauty of God’s creations on this island.

That is the plate of croissants....before I found out how good they were.

Over the next few days, there will be several blog postings, many that I have been holding and haven’t had the time to finish and post. Some will be happy, some sad, some political, but all will be with the hope that you will be exposed to what I see outside my window.

Where the river meats the ocean (slack tide)

A little church with a big heart

About Ray V.

Living between Aiken & Nashville, TN, USA, I like to share what I am looking at, thinking about or listening to. I refer to this as the view out my window. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to Holy Week Begins

  1. Cheri says:

    What a beautiful sunset! Enjoy your time in reflection.


  2. Owen lichtenwalner says:

    Truly a historic event! Thanks for the pictures. sorry we missed it.

    Susan and Owen Lichtenwalner


  3. Deacon Charles LaRosa says:

    A wonderful post…it truly was a special day and it was an honor being a part of it. Thank you again for capturing the spirit of the day and the spirit of our faith community.
    Deacon Charles


  4. mike campi says:

    Ray, Edisto is a favorite destination for the Campis. As you walk the beach, take time to look down. We have found hundreds of shark teeth, horse teeth, camel teeth (Yes! Camel teeth!), gill plates from ancient fish, whale bones, and lots of “clinkers,” the shrapnel pirates used in their canon. Most of the teeth are black, which does not reflect bad dental care, but rather the composition of the earth that surrounded them for millions of years. I am envious, Ray…with 6-year-old twins, the likelihood of getting away for a few hours, much less a few days, is as remote as the Island itself. Stay well, and godspeed.
    Mike Campi


    • Michael,

      Great to hear from you. My daughters are now 24, 21 and 17. We still make sacrifices for them, but I learned so many things while giving things up for them. The part-time jobs actually made Alicia and me better because we learned new skills and met great people. I’m assuming you both still own the store at the beach, which probably isn’t as much fun as it used to be. Zig Ziglar said it best when he stated, “If you can’t change the facts, you might as well change the attitude”.

      I bet the twins would love spending a half day hunting for camel’s teeth. ( how do you know what they look like?)

      Stay well friend. Btw…I still serve on Linda Gill’s board…Joy in the Mourning. It was through her at the SIDS Alliance that you and I met…..what, 15 years go ?


      Sent via iVisotski (3)


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